Restyler Versions

Restyled wraps off-the-shelf auto-formatting tools as transparently as possible. Therefore, the version of the underlying tool has a large impact on the behavior you’ll experience using our service. To help this, we offer a few configuration points in your .restyled.yaml that affect what versions of things will run on your PRs.

How It Works #

When the Restyler process runs, it fetches a manifest of all known Restylers, we call this a “Restylers set”. These sets are named and specified by the restylers_version key in your .restyled.yaml. By default, everyone gets stable.

In the set, each Restyler has an image key that points to the specific, tagged Docker image to run for that Restyler. These tags are named after the version of the underlying auto-formatter that image will run, so while we may add our own prefixes or suffixes, you should always be able to infer an auto-formatter version from these tags directly.

We are happy to build and push images in all sorts of configurations, and we will (as much as possible) never remove a pushed tag. This means there may be many tags available not present in any versioned set. You can explore what is available for a specific Restyler by viewing its Docker Hub page directly.


Common Use Cases #

The following are some common reasons to make use of these configuration points:

Avoid surprises #

In a specific Restyler, you can re-specify its default image:

  - brittany:
        tag: v0.11.0.0

From then on, regardless of how the default Restylers set changes, this Restyler will always run this image, until you change it.

The above changes only the tag field of the image and is equivalent to:

image: restyled/restyler-brittany:v0.11.0.0

Other available fields are registry and name.

Opt in to newer, earlier #

Before making updates to stable, we release to a different “channel” called dev:

restylers_version: dev

Opt in to a specific newer, earlier #

When/if we’re making major updates, we will likely release a Restyler image before making it a part of any released set, and certainly before making it the default. You can opt in to trying it out ahead of time through its image key:

  - brittany:
        tag: vX.Y.Z-beta

Series Images #

Users may want to always run the latest version of some formatter, but don’t want to implicitly update to a new major version, as that could break things they’re not ready to fix. To support this use-case, Restyled builds and releases so-called “series images”.

If a given auto-formatter uses semantic versioning, its Restyler images will have tags matching vX.Y.Z. Provided that’s the case (true for most, but not all), we will also maintain images tagged vX and vX.Y as the latest version within that major and major-minor series respectively. Users can then rely on these tags to receive updates as they are released, but not unexpectedly update to a new major (or major-minor) version:

  - clang-format:
        tag: v16

Use your own image(s) #

One consequence of this system is that whatever you set as a restylers[$name].image will be pulled and run as the Restyler. This means you can maintain and use your own images:

  - brittany:
      image: pbrisbin/restyler-brittany:latest

As long as the image is publicly available (and functions properly as a Restyler), this will work. This is a great way to test fixes yourself before submitting PRs.

NOTE: Restylers have direct access to the source code they’re restyling. While they are run in an isolated working directory and with --net=none as safe guards (among other things), you should still fully trust the image you are specifying here.